Licensed Makaton Tutors
London, Surrey & The South East
Available for In-House Training and Public Courses
These courses are designed as an Introduction to Makaton. They include
Bespoke & Themed Taster Sessions
Using Makaton with Singing
Makaton for Frontline Workshops
Know & Grow Christian Makaton Workshop
Starting at Level 1, these courses are for people who want to learn Makaton and use it at home or work.
Participants will learn the Makaton Core vocabulary as they work their way through the Levels.
These are the next step from any Sessions from the Taster range.
Specialist Makaton Courses
There are several specialist courses that may be of interest. Including
Makaton approaches to Safeguarding
Makaton Signing for Babies and Families
Watch my Needs for those experiencing Memory loss
Makaton Train the Trainer
In-House Training for Organisations
Do you want to train all your staff or volunteers in Makaton?
Do you want to be known as a Makaton Friendly Organisation?
We can come to you and deliver training for a group of staff. This is often more cost effective than sending individuals one at a time.